Sunday, 9 November 2014

A-Level Decisions!

More than once recently, I have stopped to consider my life. I know this sounds strange but little people realize the amount of pressure that year 11 students are actually put under. With the stress of looming exams building up on top of choosing what your new pathway will be, it is important to consider where and what your doing and why your doing it. So  I have, and I have decided on my 4 A Level options!

Art and Design and Textile design

I have decided on taking art and design and Textile design as they are something I intend to peruse as a career later in life. Preferably Interior/Fashion. I also really enjoy it and find it super relaxing! This is SOOOO important that you enjoy your subject as it makes the work you do so much more worthwhile!


Imagine how much this will improve my blogging photo skillz! I am extremely interested in knowing how to take a good photo and I am really looking into fashion photography and am super exited!


Honestly, I wouldn't have taken or even looked into this if i didn't have to, but once I found out I had no choice but to choose a fourth option, it was really a no brainer that it would be media or film studies that I would choose. I am interested in everything in this industry and love the idea of all of the editing! The only thing that had previously made me discount it was the theory but I guess its interesting and well I think it will be great!

So thanks for reading guys!
What were/are/will be your A level options?

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