Hi Everybody!

I have been nominated by Javaalie Living, Thank you so much it meand so much to know I am supported by you!
So here we go;
The Rules:
1. Post 11 facts about you.
2. Answer the 11 questions set by the blogger who nominated you.
3. Nominate 11 blogs with under 200 followers.
4. Link your nominees to the post.
5. Create 11 questions for your nominees to answer.
6. Let the nominees chosen know they have been tagged.
My 11 Facts:
1. I have never been past Europe
2. I love music.
3. My life revolves around food :D
4. I Love dogs
5. I have rowed for 4 years
6. I am studying Art, Textiles, German and History
7. I love the 60s fashion
8. I like shopping way too much.
9. My favorite song at the moment is rude by Magic
10. I want to be an interior designer
11. I can be very forgetful.
Javaalies Questions:
1. What's your favourite place?
It would probably have to be Alton towers, I am a complete rolercoaster freak!
2. Your horoscope sign?
3. Your preference out of Music, Reading or TV?
Music all the way!
4. Are you a Night Owl or Early Bird?
Night owl!
5. Your one favorite thing about blogging?
Meeting new people and expressing my feelings.
6. Fact or Fiction?
Fiction and FANTASYYYY!
7. Where is your dream holiday destination?
Travelling all of Italy
8. Are you Introvert or Extrovert?
Sadly I would have to say naturally an introvert but I am working on my confidence!
9. Your favorite film?
Oh gosh theirs so many! Pne that I automatically think of is 'The Impossible', Its the most Incredible film ever!!!
10. Top 3 things you cannot live without?
11. What is your favorite Social Media platform?
Does bloglovin' count? if not instagram :)
I Nominate:
Hollie Mae
A little wildflower
Katies Life Tale's
tales of my beauty addictions
peroxide junkie
Thoughts, Fashion, Beauty
Girl on a rope
*I will comment on the latest posts*
My Questions:
1.Favorite food?
2.Favorite drink?
3.Favorite artist(music or art doesn't matter)?
5.Celebrity Crush?
6.Dream holiday destination?
7.Favorite School subject?
8. One thing you Couldn't live without?
9.Dream job?
10.Honest Opinion on this...(reason being I freaking love it but wont be offended if you don't :D)
Thanks for the support everyone!!!
Byeee :)
Hi thanks so much for nominating me, I've already done a post for this, but thanks so much for nominating me again :D xx http://beautytrinityblog13.blogspot.co.uk/2014/08/liebster-award.html
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