Friday, 15 August 2014

Motivational Monday #1

Well hi there!

Sometimes, when we're feeling down we need something that will just put a smile to our faces. In this post I aim put a smile on as many peoples faces as possible. And sometimes, when everything seems to be going wrong, you just have to (in the nicest possible way) deal with it.(with some friendly help of course!) This may sound harsh but I've learned that only you can put a smile back on your face and if you are not willing for it to make an appearance then you can't expect someone else to bring it out for you.
Don't get me wrong, a bit of comfort can be the best thing in the world but some people just wont take it and in that case, its a problem you have to deal with, so do! 
Only you can.

As the lovely Marilyn put, 

''Sometimes good things fall apart, so better things can fall together.''

This is probably the truest thing I have read all day and in a whole lot of situations in my life I wish I could have seen this. So many friend fall outs and tiny little things that felt like the end of the world at the time, were actually just a whole new beginning for something better to come up. At the time of the ''end of the world situation''  just remember this and pick yourself up and just carry on, because something better will come up and its (most likely) not the worst thing that could have happened. 

Just remember, some people have to deal with unimaginable happenings, but they do, so can you.

Whats your QOTD ? How do you deal with things?

Thanks for reading!


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